SSL Commands
I’ve done this 3 times now, so I should be writing this down.
Creating a CSR #
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out
Creating an SSL bundle #
An SSL bundle is required for Nginx which comprises of the provisioned certificate + intermediate certificates + root certificate
cat mobileapp_deped_gov_ph.crt DigiCertCA.crt >
Creating a .pfx file from .crt files #
Azure requires a pfx file to add to the Application Gateway which will act as our SSL termination endpoint. Azure requires that the pfx file be password protected.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out -inkey ../ -in mobileapp_deped_gov_ph.crt -certfile DigiCertCA.crt -certfile TrustedRoot.crt
Completing the chain #
So, it turns out I only needed DigiCertCA above, instead of including the root, as this breaks the intermediate chain certs. I think the last -certfile overrides the earlier call instead of chaining all the files.